Big Story, Big Sale: New Ways to Use Long-Length Content Marketing to Sell Complex Products

By Jay Gitomer

Big Story, Big Sale: New Ways to Use Long-Length Content Marketing to Sell Complex Products - Jay Gitomer
  • Release Date: 2014-02-22
  • Genre: Marketing & Sales


Imagine leaving a marketing document with your prospect that is not going to end up in a trash can or stuffed in a file drawer, never to be seen again. Imagine a marketing document that shows your customer the depth of your understanding about his business challenges. Imagine a marketing document that shortens your sales cycle, builds your credibility, and sets you apart from your competition.
That marketing document is a book.

There are a few clear concerns that any company would have before considering the effort of developing a book – after all, if it’s hard to get a white paper out the door, it must be impossible to get a whole book completed. But a comparison of the potential benefits versus the defined risk shows that a book is worth considering. If your company sells a complex, new, or highly technical product, or if your company wants to be perceived as a thought leader, then a book could be the answer.

Big Story, Big Sale addresses:

•How to plan book content that supports your particular business need
•How your book will support your reps in various parts of the sales cycle
•The obstacles you face in developing your book and how to overcome them
•How to put your book to use in your sales and marketing processes

It also contains instructions on how to create a book in-house and how to hire and manage outsourcer relationships. Lastly, this book discusses ways you can maximize the ROI of your book. Marketing content professionals dealing with new, complex, or technical products will find worthwhile ideas in Big Story, Big Sale.