Grace Wins!

By Daniel King

Grace Wins! - Daniel King
  • Release Date: 2014-09-09
  • Genre: Christianity


If you have given your life to Jesus Christ, you have become a recipient of the greatest gift in the history of mankind. That gift is grace. Grace is the answer to many of our questions like “how did God save me” or “Why am I forgiven of all my sins?”
Grace is the most important topic in the entire Bible. It is what the Gospel message is all about. The true message of grace is capturing our heart and allowing us to fall in love with Jesus for the first time or all over again. It changes lives.
However, recently the issue of grace has become a hot topic. Lines have been drawn. Some are for grace, others are against grace and there are others that are just confused about grace. The fight is going full force. Which side will you be on? This book will help you decide. In the end, Grace Wins!