Common Birds of North America - An Illustrated Guide to 50 of the Most Common North American Birds

By Robert Nelson

Common Birds of North America - An Illustrated Guide to 50 of the Most Common North American Birds - Robert Nelson
  • Release Date: 2014-09-01
  • Genre: Nature
Score: 4
From 5 Ratings


Your guide to 50 most common birds for America. If you are interested in birding, this is for you. Know your secret visitor. With this coming spring, there will be lot of birds’ activities. Get familiar with the American birds.

A guide for students, hobbyists and improving general knowledge.
Common Birds of North America provides you with the information you need to start a fascinating new hobby that will provides hours of joy for you and your family.

Common Birds of North America is the perfect guide to identifying the most common birds. With this illustrated guide, you will be able to readily identify everyday birds. The birds depicted in this book are valuable reminders.

We need them; we need the same clean and wholesome environment upon which they rely; we must work to ensure their continued well-being (and that of other migratory and non-hunted species) so that our own future can be assured.

You will find this guide to be your first step in appreciating the hobby of birding.

Here are the 50 birds you will find in this book: Baltimore Oriole Barn Swallow Chickadee Blue Bird Blue Jay Bobwhite Brown Creeper Brown Thrasher Canada Goose Cardinal Catbird Cedar Waxwing Chimney Swift Chipping Sparrow Cowbird Crow Downy Woodpecker Flicker Goldfinch Grackle Green Heron Herring Gull House Sparrow House Wren Junco Killdeer Mallard Mockingbird Mourning Dove Myrtle Warbler Nighthawk Pigeon Purple Martin Red-eyed Vireo Red-headed WP Red-winged BB Robin Hummingbird Song Sparrow Sparrow Hawk Starling Towhee Tufted Titmouse Turkey Vulture White-breasted Nuthatch White-crowned Sparrow Wood Pewee Wood Thrush Yellowthroat Yellow Warbler