Cities' Identity Through Architecture and Arts

By Yasser Mahgoub, Nicola Cavalagli, Antonella Versaci, Hocine Bougdah & Marta Serra-Permanyer

Cities' Identity Through Architecture and Arts - Yasser Mahgoub, Nicola Cavalagli, Antonella Versaci, Hocine Bougdah & Marta Serra-Permanyer
  • Release Date: 2020-11-28
  • Genre: Sociology


This book covers a broad range of topics relating to architecture and urban design, such as the conservation of cities’ culture and identity through design and planning processes, various ideologies and approaches to achieving more sustainable cities while retaining their identities, and strategies to help cities advertise themselves on the global market.
Every city has its own unique identity, which is revealed through its physical and visual form. It is seen through the eyes of its inhabitants and visitors, and is where their collective memories are shaped. In turn, these factors affect tourism, education, culture & economic prosperity, in addition to other aspects, making a city’s identity one of its main assets.
Cities’ identities are constructed and developed over time and are constantly evolving physically, culturally and sociologically. This book explains how architecture and the arts can embody the historical, cultural andeconomic characteristics of the city. It also demonstrates how cities’ memories play a vital role in preserving their physical and nonphysical heritage. Furthermore, it examines the transformation of cities and urban cultures, and investigates the various new approaches developed in contemporary arts and architecture.
Given its scope, the book is a valuable resource for a variety of readers, including students, educators, researchers and practitioners in the fields of city planning, urban design, architecture and the arts.