The Great Miss Driver
By Anthony Hope

- Release Date: 1933-01-01
- Genre: Fiction & Literature
Perhaps you won't believe me said I, but till yesterday I never so much as heard of her existence. I've not the least difficulty in believing you. That was old Nick's way. It wasn't your business was it? so he didn't talk to you about it. On the other hand when a thing was your business that's to say when he wanted your services he told you all about it. But I believe I'm the only person he did tell. I'm sure he didn't tell a soul down in Catsford. Finely put about they'll be! Mr. Cartmell of Fisher, Son & Cartmell (he was the only surviving representative of the firm) broke off to hide a portion of his round red face in a silver tankard Loft the butler had brought it to him on his arrival without express orders given, I had often seen the same vessel going into Mr. Driver's study on the occasion of the lawyer's calls.