The Astral World
By William Walker Atkinson & Lon Milo DuQuette

- Release Date: 2012-03-01
- Genre: Spirituality
Master of modern occultism, Lon Milo DuQuette, (author of Enochian Vision Magick
The Magick of Aleister Crowley
) introduces the newest Weiser Books Collection – The Magical Antiquarian Curiosity Shoppe. Culled from material long unavailable to the general public, DuQuette curates this essential new digital library with the eye of a scholar and the insight of an initiate.
Almost everyone has had dreams of flying or falling. It’s a common and universal experience. For centuries mystics have maintained that such dreams are more than dreams. They referred to this ‘dream’ environment the Astral World and the experience, Astral Projection. Today modern researchers are starting to sound like these ancient occultists when speculating upon the powers of the human senses to transcend the limits of the body. There is perhaps no aspect of magick and mysticism that is more fascinating and important then these out of body experiences (OBEs), and one of the finest introductions to this amazing subject is Swami Panchadasi’s (William Walker Atkinson) classic,“The Astral World”.