The Complete Writings of Charles Spurgeon(ESV Bible Reference Included)
By Charles Spurgeon

- Release Date: 2023-11-15
- Genre: Bible Studies
Exceptional, revitalizing and constantly surprising! Make the most of this mammoth offer, 17602 pages that include superb sermons, strong doctrine and red-hot evangelism, from the great heart of that ‘Prince of Preachers’, the superlative C.H. Spurgeon. Indulge your spiritual appetite! Choose from the wide repertoire of Spurgeon’s remarkable preaching. Enjoy the timelessness of the messages. Respond to the variety of challenges he presents. Above all, meet with Christ, yet again! E4’s fantastic offer The Complete Writings of Charles Spurgeon is not one to be missed!
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The Saint and His Savior
Blazing with passion, Charles H. Spurgeon’s very first book, The Saint and His Savior, published in 1857 traces the whole process of the work of the Spirit in a believer’s life, from his first experience of the Lord, through the often turbulent course of conversion, to a deeper appreciation of the presence of the Lord Jesus with His own. Including challenges to the ‘unconverted reader’ at the end of each study to force them to recognize their paucity of understanding spiritual experiences, Spurgeon’s relevant instructions are of lasting value!
The Beatitudes
A timeless spiritually awakening! The Beatitudes display Spurgeon’s gifted ability to lead you through the deep intricacies of Christ’s teachings. These eight amazing sermons afford a grand view of the glory of Christ Jesus, the "Son of Man". Understand the concepts of doing the right things for the right reasons and how Christ empowers us by changing the human heart. Classic thoughts, just as inspiring and instructive today as when they were preached. Discover how to receive the rich treasures God desires for you to possess!
Morning and Evening- Daily Readings
Excellent insightful, convicting and eloquent! Every one of these 732 readings in Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening- Daily Readings is simply wonderful! Comforting and challenging, he speaks to each one exactly at their point of need! Refocuses your relationship with God, showing you some new ways of looking the Scriptures. His metaphors and analogies and beautiful flow of thought are moving. True, valuable and thought-provoking, these strongly Bible-based readings are crisp, cutting through the heart to impact anyone desiring to live a godly life. "Challenging!" — Joleen
A Popular Exposition to the Gospel According to Matthew
With profound simplicity and practical application Spurgeon’s final book A Popular Exposition to the Gospel According to Matthew is absorbing! The hallmark of Spurgeon’s genius lies in the tender power of expository thought where his words of earnestness and depth of emotion strike a resonant chord. This last effort represents the fruit of a lifetime immersed in the study and exposition of Scripture. Be blessed by Spurgeon’s reverence for the words of Scripture, his accurate teaching, reflective discernment , and spiritual strength evident in this exposition!
Faith’s Checkbook
In this well-known daily devotional, Faith’s Checkbook, Charles Spurgeon proffers the wealth of God’s promises into the Christian’s personal account of faith. In his characteristic pastoral manner, Spurgeon warmly exhorts the reader to recognize every promise that God has made to His children as a check that He has written, which is to be received and cashed by personally endorsing the gift it signifies. The believer will be led day by day through God’s guarantees and pledges to His people supplying comfort, wisdom and understanding from His word.
All of Grace
A wonderful wellspring of encouragement and truth, All of Grace by C.H. Spurgeon promotes the life-changing message of the power of God, the Source of such change. One of the greatest non-canonical books ever written, this phenomenal volume with indelible illustrations, apt anecdotes, irrefutable arguments, sincere pleas and most of all the plainly-spoken and rightly-applied word of God, thunders a powerful enduring message. One of the most incredibly moving Gospel presentations, both intellectually and emotionally, it remains as alive and relevant today as it ever was. Hard to put down!
According to Promise
Strengthening the foundations of faith! In According to Promise, Spurgeon emphatically reminds Christians of God’s nature, essence and attributes, His faithfulness to His word and His great love for His children. Grow in the knowledge of the deep truths of the Word to be sustained as you experience every stage of life’s journey and joyfully exult as you see God’s hand in it all. Comfort, peace, assurance and security can be found only in trusting in the perfect promises of the Lord for all things, at all times! Great encouragement!
A Puritan Catechism
Enlightening! Spurgeon’s A Puritan Catechism is like a welcome Biblical beam throwing bright light on queries of every type. Helpfully presenting the truth in a question and answer format, Spurgeon tackles several issues head on! In order to combat the pragmatic views against the church in his day, he produced a strongly Bible-based Catechism for every family as a great and enduring safeguard against the increasing errors of his times. Drawing heavily from the Westminster Assembly’s and Baptist Catechisms, this little manual has proved invaluable over the ages.
Till He Come
Astute observations! In "Till He Come" - Communion Meditations and Addresses Spurgeon embarks on a diverse range of scriptures centered on the Lord’s symbolic Last Supper. This magnificent work, highly meaningful to Christians of all denominations even today, encourages you to think more deeply about the great event of the Lord’s Supper, celebrated the world over, as congregations. As clearly today as he must have been to his hearers then, Spurgeon continues to spur us to offer meaningful worship and enjoy genuine communion around the Lord’s Table. Excellent!
The Salt-Cellars A Collection of Proverbs & Quaint Sayings
Illuminating ! Spurgeon’s The Salt-Cellars A Collection of Proverbs & Quaint Sayings is a compilation of proverbs put together interspersed with homely notes, illustrations and anecdotes! Intended to teach the judicious use of proverbs to flavor one’s speech so that by using the wit and wisdom of men, some may recognize the glow of a holy light, and may be led to seek God. Designing short sentences as succinct summaries of his discourses, Spurgeon used them to arouse attention to serious truth, and sometimes to convict the careless. Appealing!
Index Alphabetical and Subject Index of Charles Spurgeon’s Sermons
A systematic and well organized assemblage of the Complete Collection in 63 volumes! Index Alphabetical and Subject Index of Charles Spurgeon’s Sermons includes a detailed index of a colossal collection of 3580 sermons in alphabetical order, with supporting Biblical references and the original sermon number. A ready reckoner, this facilitates easy access to pull up any sermon required for reference, personal help, Bible study or merely to satisfy the curiosity to know Spurgeon’s interpretation of the verse or Bible passage of concern!
The Letters of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Gripping and riveting! The Letters of Charles Haddon Spurgeon unveils undoubtedly the greatest Bible preacher outside of Scripture, through his many missives. A closer look at the private man as he is revealed, confirms the reality of his deep Christian beliefs and passionate assertions! Spurgeon emerges as determined and intense, yet warmly human. Highly sensitive and spiritual, yet child-like and witty, Spurgeon has touched more lives that can be counted by his unswerving devotion and whole-hearted efforts in furthering the Kingdom of the God he loved and faithfully served!
Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon
Heartening and inspirational, C.H. Spurgeon in Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon, introduces a grand and wonderful help-meet, who shared the responsibility of ministry with him, with equanimity and courage. Mrs. Spurgeon served others despite her own illnesses and semi-invalid state. Susannah Spurgeon, faithful wife and encourager, trained their twin sons well in the Christian doctrine. She also began the Book Fund to supply theological books to clergymen and ministers who could ill afford to buy them. Blessed with a rare literary gift, she authored several books! Very uplifting!
Lectures to My Students
Illuminating! Lectures to My Students (Vol 1) by Charles Spurgeon Is a rich store of knowledge on the best techniques to effectively compose and deliver a sermon, right from choosing a text to holding the audience’s attention, with proper voice modulation and control! Learn the secrets of powerful preaching and public praying. Enjoy his remarkable relaxed and humorous style, just as his students did. Understand the psychological and social pressures preachers face! Will certainly enhance a preacher’s effectiveness!
C.H. Spurgeon’s Autobiography, Letters and Records
Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon
Precious glimpses in this rare book! Autobiography Diary, Letters, And Records (Vol 1) by his wife and his private secretary, include incidents from his busy life. Spurgeon’s letters are published here for the first time, where Spurgeon himself gives a full account of his life as he viewed it. Citing several important events he preached largely from his personal experience. To him, his life was "a fairy dream" that often left him "amazed and dazed" at God’s mercies and love, making him feel the greatest debtor to Divine grace! Humbling!
The Sword and the Trowel (1865-1867)
Zeal and passion flow unrestrained! Charles Spurgeon birthed The Sword and the Trowel (1865-1867) in 1865, a monthly magazine to supplement his weekly sermons. Loaded with valuable scriptural inputs to reach the masses with God’s word, today it also affords us an opportunity to gaze into the very heart of Spurgeon. Recalling for us an era when Christian ministries spread rapidly solely through the printed word, unlike today’s variety of communication facilities, it also shows the power of the printed word urging the claims of Christ’s cause. Vibrant!
The Sword and the Trowel (1868-1870)
Exciting and pulsating! Through The Sword and the Trowel (1868-187) Spurgeon sought to supplement the nourishment of the sermon! God’s Word was to be wielded as a sword to combat sin while the trowel was to inspire labor for the Lord! Strongly promoting the recovery of true godliness, he categorically condemned sin. Besides commenting on current events and offering honest book reviews, he described the work and witness of his church, The Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, his college, orphanage, almshouse, colportage association, and several mission stations connected with his ministry. Inspiring!
The Sword and the Trowel (1871-1876)
An outpouring of spiritual energy, The Sword and the Trowel (1871-1876) was Charles Spurgeon’s vehicle to challenge the skeptic and the cynic! Adroitly using the precepts to holy diligence in serving the Lord Jesus he demolishes the proud conviction that people are above needing instruction! Pointing to self-aggrandizement as the one principal reason why many gain so little profit from the abundance of spiritual teaching available, he used this magazine to confront many and draw them into a personal dynamic relationship with God through Christ Jesus.
The Sword and the Trowel (1877-1879)
Captivating! Charles Spurgeon’s The Sword and the Trowel (1877-1879) provides an excellent source of information to those studying 19th century Christianity. A good source for a biographical study of Spurgeon, as well! Spurgeon’s vigor and vivacity appear unimpaired, particularly his animated remonstration against the erroneous teachings of certain denominational establishments like the Episcopalians and Anglicans besides the Roman Catholic church. His fervor was aimed against the pervading pseudo-intellectualism that was gaining ground in his day. Remarkable!
The Sword and the Trowel (1880-1884)
Enthusiasm and evangelical dedication flow through Spurgeon’s The Sword and the Trowel (1880-1884). With righteous indignation he flays the indifference and deliberate denial of holy doctrine, Biblical teaching and truths once regarded as fundamental. Watering down the truth, twisting it inside out until nothing of even its essence remains and refuting Holy Scripture as the infallible record of revelation, all come under his scalding attack. Reminding each one of the particular niche we occupy and of our need to do service to God, Spurgeon’s call is much needed today!
C.H. Spurgeon’s Prayers
Delight in this treasury of devotion! C.H. Spurgeon’s Prayers reveals prayer as the instinct of his soul, his "vital breath". In this rich collection of twenty-six pulpit prayers, Spurgeon incorporates Biblical references, theological truths, praise, worship, confession, petition and intercession. His heart was steeped in Scripture making his prayer always fresh, refreshing and edifying. Ardently, he lovingly speaks the truth, calling sin, sin and the unrepentant, hell-bent sinners; however, he always points to hope and salvation through Christ alone. Will inspire you to truly connect with God through prayer!
C.H. Spurgeon Writings
An absolute wealth of spiritual assets! C.H. Spurgeon Writings includes 59 priceless shorter sermons preached at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. Taking you through a gamut of subjects Spurgeon’s spiritual insights gleam like precious gems. Heart-warming and instructive, each of these soul-stirring messages light up passages of Scripture with a new glow, always adding a fresh dimension of thought! Spurgeon’s vast range of knowledge, depth of wisdom and capacity to understand the Word are evident. Uncovers many aspects of God and His purposes as well as man and his responses! Brilliant!
Biography Life Story of C.H. Spurgeon
James T. Allen
Poignant and down-to-earth, James T. Allen in The Man and his Wonderful Message; being the life story of Charles Haddon Spurgeon portrays a Colossus who championed the cause of Christ, irrespective of the cost. Despite good home and school training, Spurgeon’s fear of death dogged him even during his first school teaching post! The simple text "Look to Jesus Christ!" by an un-named preacher, changed Spurgeon’s life forever. Pastoring at the Metropolitan Tabernacle until his death, Spurgeon lived the truths he preached, truly, ‘the Elijah of the nineteenth century’!