The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

By F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Release Date: 2013-01-22
  • Genre: Short Stories
Score: 4.5
From 1,139 Ratings


Yes, we know there’s been a rather recent movie by David Fincher starring Brad Pitt and the wonderful Cate Blanchett with this very title. But it is perhaps a good idea to plunge ourselves into the depths of the “written version”, actually the “written original”. Brad and Cate are great but, as with all movies, they are not just stories but also interpretations of stories. The original always helps us get in the shoes of a director ourselves and cast our own characters in our private movies inside our heads.
The short story belongs to F. Scott Fitzgerald, otherwise known as the author of the Great Gatsby (movies seem to love Mr. Fitzgerald. This story, however, is part of Tales of the Jazz Age, a collection of short stories from the great ’20s. Benjamin Button is a strange case of backwards-aging person: he is born with the appearance of a 70-year old man and starts getting younger. You can imagine some of the complications of such a life, but can you measure with Fitzgerald when it comes to imagination? Put your imagination power to test and read his story.


  • Sad Short Story

    By Whim1954
    But beautifully written by FSF and also a brief history lesson of early 20th century. I was disappointed not to see the fore mentioned prints.
  • Brilliant

    By Ask_uo11
    A magnificent showcase of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s brilliance
  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    By GODisMy$trength
    It has a funny type of humor
  • Short story! Doesn’t take long to read ….

    By Ant Jackie
    Interesting book, shows Benjamin changing over his lifetime! Struggles with his family over that time! Definitely worth the read!
  • Boring

    By Doobie jr
    Weird book
  • Such a wonderful story and beautifully written

    By hinata1187
    I know most have seen the movie but reading the story paints a much deeper insight. You don’t just watch from the outside, you feel the journey yourself.
  • Quite odd

    By Yoda Toes
    This is to tolerably well written and very odd.
  • Great short story

    By Moullineaux
    An interesting twist on the life we live and the perceptions we have of it.
  • Benjamin button

    By pippimanson
    Definitely a classic, a quick easy read well worth the effort. Scots Fitzgerald’s book is a lil more melancholy than the movie brad pit star’ed In but it’s wonderful in all its simplicity
  • Bored? Read this!

    By Megandyson
    Very nice and sweet short story! There are parts that were kind of sad but overall this book is very short and would be a great read while trying to kill some time.