About Love
By Pins4
Enjoyed the book. Can’t wait to read more! Thanks!
Great book!!
By nmcneely34
Great book, and steamy love story. just lots of words not translated correctly to the virtual book.
By taylorRip
This story is okay. But the inconsistency in the characters personalities is annoying. Details get jumbled and wash back and forth. I feel like this was a high school level writer testing the waters.
I started the second book in the series because the ending sucked but I was curious to see if it got any better and just COULD NOT bring myself to get past the second chapter.
By Ren_2096
Storyline is pretty good normal for the genre, was hard to get past the fact that the main character started as a blonde then apparently was a brunette for a hot minute then back to blonde later ??? A lot of inconsistencies and brushed over details that should have been more thought out. Still giving three stars because i liked the idea and think it could have been a great story if it was a little slower and more precise.
By potter3417
couple of spelling errors. kallie was childish everytime she thought something new, or had a new idea. hard to read but figured i’d finish
Terrible book
By Layla Sidahmed
All in all bad book. I don’t recommend.
Kinda disappointed
By Niudkibs
Not the best plot, characters are annoying, somewhat poorly written. This author has several better books.
About love
By Alicemcinaz
Loved this storyline and characters. It was a great story and great characters would like to read the rest of this story
Great series start
By Cyclone95
Well written and fast paced. Another fabulous series start from this author. Will definitely read the rest of these books.
About this book
By guyclan
I was pleasantly surprised that i enjoyed this book.
It got a smudge predictable but that's ok. It was still fun. I need to read part 2 because Sasha seems to be the nicest bad guy ever.