The Secret Lives of Blennies
By Wayne Osborn & Pam Osborn

- Release Date: 2023-12-10
- Genre: Nature
The Secret Lives of Blennies On your next dive, odds are there will be a pair of eyes or maybe a few pairs of eyes observing your every move. You may not have seen them but they will be cautiously watching from the safety of their favourite perch of coral or rocky reef crevice. Blennies are an order over 800 species of widely distributed marine fishes. Most are a diminutive 10 cm or smaller. Distinctive body livery makes species identification relatively easy. Their habit of propping on their ventral or pectoral fins, apparent curiosity and confidence beyond their small stature makes them a favourite for underwater photographers. Expressive clown faces that could be straight from central casting at Pixar Studios add to the allure. Strong eye contact is a guaranteed feature of blenny photographs. Blennies have a wide diversity of lifestyles and behaviours. The fang or sabretooth blennies are rapid strike merchants and use their enlarged canines to snatch flesh from unsuspecting fish. They have a great turn of speed for a hasty retreat when their enraged victims look to punish the raiders. Some of these are narco-blennies injecting a heroin like venom to slow down their rivals. Others yet are narco-imitator blennies. They don't have venom but just look like the ones that do - mimics with benefits. We think some should be called fashionista blennies. Perhaps a new classification for those who are elegant in their richly patterned skins and bold postures. They are adept as any social media influencer in selecting a flattering setting and fussing in posing to the best advantage. Tridacna clams, Christmas tree worms and coral structures are all handy props for the fashionistas. That's not to say they don't lead practical and useful lives. The jewelled blenny also doubles as the lawnmower blenny keeping the algae beds trimmed. We will let you be the judge of the 'fashionistas.' Blennies seem to invoke special dispensation as they lounge around their home territories. Tridacna clams that would normally clamp shut at the merest touch or pulse of water will lie relaxed as blennies settle on their mantles. Christmas tree worms are legendary for a pre-emptively cautious, snap retreat to their tubes are happy for blennies to cuddle up. These images are mostly digital images from Indonesia's Coral Triangle and Australian waters. Three of the six blenny families are represented with most species from the Combtooth Blennies. All Pam's images are taken whilst free diving. Pam and Wayne’s books have been downloaded in 41 countries