Marine Corps Reference Publication MCRP 3-10E.6 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Marine Artillery Sensory Operations June 2021

By United States Government, US Marine Corps

Marine Corps Reference Publication MCRP 3-10E.6 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Marine Artillery Sensory Operations June 2021 - United States Government, US Marine Corps
  • Release Date: 2021-07-16
  • Genre: Engineering


This manual, Marine Corps Reference Publication MCRP 3-10E.6 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Marine Artillery Sensory Operations June 2021, sets forth the doctrinal foundation and technical information that Marines need to provide accurate and timely sensor support. It covers a broad spectrum of issues from general knowledge to Marine-specific equipment. As three of the five requirements for accurate predicted fire, sensor support is critical to the success of artillery (and ultimately maneuver) on the modem battlefield. Marine artillery sensor Marines support firing units and target acquisition assets, enabling indirect fires to mass effectively and deliver surprise observed fires and effective unobserved fires. This publication applies to Marine air-ground task force artillery commanders, their staffs, and personnel in the 0844/48 military occupational specialty (fire direction control Marine), and field artillery operations chief billets, from battery through regiment, including infantry mortar Marines.