U.S. Marine Corps Forces (MARFOR) Logistics for Deployed Forces Handbook Edition 5 NAVMC 4000.8 March 2022
By United States Government, US Marine Corps
- Release Date: 2022-03-22
- Genre: Engineering
This Handbook, U.S. Marine Corps Forces (MARFOR) Logistics for Deployed Forces Handbook Edition 5 NAVMC 4000.8 March 2022, provides operational-level logistics support planning guidance and coordination links to Marine Corps forces deploying to a geographic combatant command (GCC) area of responsibility (AOR). It details the support responsibilities and capabilities of each geographic MARFOR, Theater Special Operations Commands, and other theater support agencies. It outlines requirements for conducting, planning, preparing, and executing logistics support in each GCC AOR. The content of this Handbook is maintained current by the MARFORs. Edition 1 was published in 2015 and has been periodically updated to its current edition. This Handbook is catalogued in the Marine Corps Publications Electronic Library and is also posted on the LP/LPO-1 SharePoint sites for ease of access and revision. This revision includes fresh input from each MARFOR and the Marine Corps Logistics Command. This Handbook describes operational-level logistics capabilities available to commanders, who are responsible for formulating logistics support plans to achieve mission success. This NAVMC applies to the Marine Corps Total Force.