The Divine Plans in the Garden of Eden
By Sekhar Reddy Vasa

- Release Date: 2017-01-26
- Genre: Bible Studies
So many authors could write many kinds of literatures regarding Christian philosophy. But, the Holy Bible, being two parts i.e., the Old Testament and the New Treatment, appears easy to hold in our hands, contains the hidden secrets in the divine plan which are beyond the limits of the earth and sky. In reality, the kind of divine secrets which were revealed in the Holy Bible are not written in any other book or literature.
Dear readers! Moses, who was unaware of God, had no divine knowledge, and became the author of first five books in the Holy Bible. Merely God’s motive, will, knowledge, provocation, selection, surrounding, etc., were performed on behalf of Moses by the Lord. The state of the waters, the Spirit of God hovering over the face of the deep, the light which was delivered by the word of the Spirit of God, the creatures, creation and the deeds of the creation, were formed through this light and word; thereafter, he could write about the formation of the man, and the formation of the woman, the tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the cunning serpent, etc. Thereafter, he could write the deceit of the serpent on the woman, the entry of the first couple into the sin, the enmity among the five elements, the pollution of atmosphere, diversity in the creation and the first couple were driven out by God. Likewise, he could write about the generation who came from first couple, the sin that spread along with the generation, and the result which was a great massacre through the floods by the Lord God. The Ark, which was constructed according to the divine plan through Noah, gave the salvation for the family of Noah through this Ark.
Dear readers! All these happened some thousands of years ago before the birth of Moses. These incidents were revealed to Moses by the Lord and made him to write during those illiterate days, in which there were no pen, paper, pencil and a type writer. The books, which were written in that situation, were first five books in the Holy Bible.
Dear readers! In those days, there were no preachers for Moses to teach him. The Lord God was the one, who trained Moses in literacy, divine knowledge, scripture, etc. God trained Moses, and revealed him the secrets in the creation of first five books in those days directly. Amongst them was the history of the Garden of Eden. This book is written by relying upon the secrets in the Garden of Eden.
Sekhar Reddy Vasa
August 2001